TNTGB channel ideas

You may use this page to submit ideas for new channels on the TNTGB server ( Original ideas are welcome!

Please keep in mind that we don't really want channels that would be too tedious to check, so nothing like counting whether a message contains more than 140 characters, nothing that would require us to spend 20 seconds per message inspecting whether it breaks a rule or not.

Preferably also no channels where it's so hard to write meaningful messages that nonsense and unreadable/encoded messages are the norm.

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7 votes Vote


Zwei, 24.03.2017, 00:32
3 votes Vote


#only-use-images but you can add captions so you don't have to awkwardly write over images.
lifeofchrome, 29.03.2017, 19:52
3 votes Vote


It’s #dont-say-yes-or-no, but the banned words are “he”, “him”, “his”, “she”, “her”, “they”, “them”, “their”, “it”, and “its” instead. Just like #dont-say-yes-or-no, the idea is to accidentally use it when...
Response from the site administrator
Dav999, 27.04.2017
Added as #dont-use-personal-pronouns, which seems to be closest to this - pronouns also include words like "something", "who", "each other" and "anyone".
InfoTeddy, 30.03.2017, 04:12

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