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All words in a post must have the same first letter.

Nobody , 23.03.2017, 20:46
Response from the site administrator
Dav999, 27.04.2017
This is now added as #semi-tautograms. It turns out alliterations are sentences where the start of every word is phonetically the same, and tautograms are sentences where every first letter is the same. And "semi-" because real tautograms (or alliterations) are so hard to make that copy-pasted renowned ones, really short ones and gibberish would be pretty much the only things we would see in that channel, so now only every word has to have a word next to it that starts with the same letter.
Idea status: completed


Btd456Creeper, 25.03.2017, 12:14

(Also, sound or letter? Would "won one" get you banned? Would "that tin" get you banned?)
General, 30.03.2017, 21:46
How about every word chain (2 or 3 or more) consecutively must have the same letter? Like this:
Andy's apples slither silently smash giant gargantuars?
General, 01.04.2017, 05:30
Just letter. Not sound.
Dav999, 18.04.2017, 17:34
This sounds good, for every word, either the word before or after it (or both) must start with the same letter. That doesn't cripple meaningful communication as much

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